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Total .NET SourceBook: One Place for Everything

MCP Magazine, Mike Gunderloy 

Total .NET SourceBook, $399

Nifty new Code Webservice keeps growing with more useful code (as long as you're connected).

December 2002 — I'll probably review this one "for real" in a few months, but since there's a public preview version out, it's worth talking about a bit now. TN Sourcebook is a source code library product for Visual Studio .NET. It runs in two modes: there's a standalone Code Explorer as well as a VS .NET add-in. Both give you access to a library of hundreds of code samples in both VB .NET and C# (the main limitation of the product preview is that most of the code isn't included).

You can drag code from the SourceBook to your applications, or vice versa, so you can expand the library by adding snippets that you find useful. You can add notes to any bit of code you like (though, oddly, the notes do not seem to be searchable). Everything is organized in a tree by subject, and stored in local Jet databases (you can add additional databases to keep things even more organized if you like).

One of the most interesting features here is the Code Webservice. FMS promises to add new code on a continuing basis, and when you launch the product while connected to the Internet, it will automatically be available to add to your copy. This could end up being one of the most useful parts of the product, depending on how much attention they pay to it after release. FMS's support track record is good, so I have high hopes.

Previous SourceBook products from FMS have been very useful, and this looks like another fine addition to the line.

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