Supports the current Jet database or Access Data Project (ADP).
Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modObjects module. |
ObjectExists | Procedure | Determine if this object name exists in the current project. |
ObjectNamesToArray | Procedure | Loads an array with names of all of an object type. |
IsObjectHidden | Procedure | Determine if the specified Access object type and name is hidden. |
UnhideObject | Procedure | Unhide an Access object if it's hidden. For hiding and unhiding all objects in your database, use the HideAllAccessObjects in module modApplication. |
OpenObjectsToArray | Procedure | Loads an array with names of all open objects of an object type. |
CloseAllOpenForms | Procedure | Close all the currently opened forms. |
CloseAllOpenReports | Procedure | Close all the currently opened reports. |
CloseAllOpenFormsExceptOne | Procedure | Close all the currently opened forms except for a specified form. |
CloseAllOpenReportsExceptOne | Procedure | Close all the currently opened forms except for a specified report. |
CloseAllOpenObjects | Procedure | Close all objects open through the user interface. |
CloseObjectsOfType | Procedure | Close all Access objects of the supplied type. |
GetActiveDatasheet | Procedure | Get the name of the currently active datasheet. |
GetCurrentObject | Procedure | Get the name of the current object. Note that if you select objects in the Database Window, this procedure returns the object you selected in that window (i.e. the object does not actually need to be open). |
IsObjectOpen | Procedure | Determine if the named Access object is open. |
MaximizeObject | Procedure | Maximizes the specified object. |
MinimizeObject | Procedure | Minimizes the specified object. |
RestoreObject | Procedure | Restores the specified object (the Windows Restore command). |
' Example of modObjects ' ' To try this example, do the following: ' 1. Create a new form in your copy of Sample.mdb (in the Total Visual SourceBook sample directory). ' 2. Create the following command buttons: ' cmdTest ' cmdObjectExists ' cmdCloseTables ' cmdCloseReports ' cmdCloseForms ' cmdCloseAll ' 3. Paste this code into the form's module ' This example assumes that you have the following objects in the current database: Private Const mcstrTable As String = "Categories" Private Const mcstrReport As String = "rptInvoice" Private Sub cmdCloseAll_Click() ' Example of CloseAllOpenObjects If MsgBox("Do you want to close all open objects, including the current form?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Debug.Print "Closing all open objects." CloseAllOpenObjects acSavePrompt End If End Sub Private Sub cmdCloseForms_Click() ' Example of CloseAllOpenFormsExceptOne If MsgBox("Do you want to close all forms except the current form?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Debug.Print "Closing all forms except the current one." CloseAllOpenFormsExceptOne, acSaveYes End If ' Example of CloseAllOpenForms If MsgBox("Do you want to close all forms including the current form?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Debug.Print "Closing all forms." CloseAllOpenForms (acSavePrompt) End If End Sub Private Sub cmdCloseReports_Click() DoCmd.OpenReport mcstrReport, acViewDesign ' Example of CloseAllOpenReportsExceptOne If MsgBox("Do you want to close all reports except " & mcstrReport & "?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Debug.Print "Closing all reports except " & mcstrReport CloseAllOpenReportsExceptOne mcstrReport, acSavePrompt End If ' Example of CloseAllOpenReports If MsgBox("Do you want to close all reports?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Debug.Print "Closing all reports." CloseAllOpenReports acSavePrompt End If End Sub Private Sub cmdCloseTables_Click() ' Example of closing all open tables with CloseObjectsOfType If MsgBox("Do you want to close all tables?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then Debug.Print "Closing all tables." CloseObjectsOfType acTable, acSavePrompt End If End Sub Private Sub cmdObjectExists_Click() ' Does a table name exist in the current project? Dim strName As String Dim strMsg As String Dim fIsHidden As Boolean strName = InputBox("Enter a table name to test", , "MsysObjects") If strName <> "" Then If ObjectExists(acTable, strName) Then fIsHidden = IsObjectHidden(acTable, strName) strMsg = " exists and is" & IIf(fIsHidden, "", " not") & " hidden" Else strMsg = " does not exist" End If MsgBox "Table " & strName & strMsg End If End Sub Private Sub cmdTest_Click() Dim strResult As String Dim astrObjs() As String Dim intCount As Integer Dim intI As Integer ' Example of ObjectNamesToArray intCount = ObjectNamesToArray(acForm, astrObjs) Debug.Print intCount & " forms in this database: " For intI = 0 To intCount - 1 Debug.Print astrObjs(intI) Next intI ' Example of OpenObjectsToArray intCount = OpenObjectsToArray(acForm, astrObjs) Debug.Print intCount & " form(s) currently open: " For intI = 0 To intCount - 1 Debug.Print astrObjs(intI) Next intI ' Example of GetActiveDatasheet DoCmd.OpenTable mcstrTable strResult = GetActiveDatasheet() Debug.Print "Active Sheet: " & strResult ' Example of GetCurrentObject strResult = GetCurrentObject(acTable) Debug.Print "Current table: " & strResult ' Example of IsObectOpeon If IsObjectOpen(acTable, mcstrTable) Then Debug.Print "Categories table is open" Else Debug.Print "Categories table is not open" End If ' Example of MaximizeObject Debug.Print "Maximizing object " & mcstrTable MaximizeObject acTable, mcstrTable ' Example of MinimizeObject Debug.Print "Minimizing object " & mcstrTable MinimizeObject acTable, mcstrTable ' Example of RestoreObject Debug.Print "Restoring object " & mcstrTable RestoreObject acTable, mcstrTable End Sub Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) With cmdTest .Caption = "Test Access object functions" .Top = 100 .Width = 5000 .Height = 400 .Left = 100 End With With cmdObjectExists .Caption = "Object Exists" .Top = 600 .Width = 5000 .Height = 400 .Left = 100 End With With cmdCloseTables .Caption = "Close tables" .Top = 1100 .Width = 5000 .Height = 400 .Left = 100 End With With cmdCloseReports .Caption = "Close reports" .Top = 1600 .Width = 5000 .Height = 400 .Left = 100 End With With cmdCloseForms .Caption = "Close forms" .Top = 2100 .Width = 5000 .Height = 400 .Left = 100 End With With cmdCloseAll .Caption = "Close all objects" .Top = 2600 .Width = 5000 .Height = 400 .Left = 100 End With End Sub
The source code in Total Visual Sourcebook includes modules and classes for Microsoft Access, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), and Visual Basic
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Supports Access/Office 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007, and Visual Basic 6.0!
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Van T. Dinh, Microsoft MVP