Code references the Microsoft Shell Object without requiring it to be added as a library reference to your project.
Procedure Name | Type | Description |
(Declarations) | Declarations | Declarations and private variables for the modZipFile module. |
ZipFileCreate | Procedure | Create a zip file from a file; automatically overwrites the zip file if it exists. |
ZipFileAdd | Procedure | Add a file or files to an existing zip file. |
CreateZipFileHeader | Procedure | Create a new, empty zip file. |
UnzipOneFile | Procedure | Extract (unzip) a single file from a zip file and place it into a folder. It does not create the subfolders specified in the zip file. |
UnzipFileMask | Procedure | Extract (unzip) all the file names matching a mask from a zip file and place them into a folder. It does not create the subfolders specified in the zip file. |
UnzipAllFilesSimple | Procedure | Extract (unzip) all the files from a zip file into its own folder. If the zip file includes subfolders, the subfolders are created. If the destination files exist, the user is prompted to overwrite them. |
UnzipAllFiles | Procedure | Extract (unzip) all the files from a zip file into a folder. If the zip file includes subfolders, the subfolders are created. |
UnzipAllFilesOverwrite | Procedure | Extract (unzip) all the files from a zip file into a folder and overwrite any existing file. If the zip file includes subfolders, the subfolders are created. |
GetFileName | Procedure | Get the name and extension of a file name by removing the drive and folder path. This procedure is also in the modFileDisk module. |
DeleteFile | Procedure | Delete the named file, handling errors if the file does not exist (same as KillFile but provided with a similar name). This procedure is also in the modFileDisk module. |
GetFilePath | Procedure | Get the folder path part of a string. This procedure is also in the modFileDisk module. |
IsFile | Procedure | Determine if a file name exists. This also returns TRUE if the file is a folder with trailing slash containing at least one file, but use IsFolder instead to check if a directory name exists. This procedure is also in the modFileDisk module. |
ZippedFilesToArray | Procedure | Populate an array with a list of files in a zip file. |
ZippedFilesToString | Procedure | Get a delimited string listing the files contained in a zip file. |
ZipFolderRetrieve | Procedure | Part of a recursive routine to update an array of file/folder names listing the files contained in a folder of a zip file. |
' Example of modZipFile ' ' To use this example, create a new module and paste this code into it. ' Then run the procedure by putting the cursor in the procedure and pressing: ' F5 to run it, or ' F8 to step through it line-by-line (see the Debug menu for more options) Private Sub Example_modZipFile() ' Comments: Example of using the modZipFile module to create, open, and extract compressed zip files Const cstrSamplePath As String = "C:\Total Visual SourceBook 2013\Samples\" Const cstrUnzipFolder As String = cstrSamplePath & "unzip\" Const cstrZipFile As String = cstrSamplePath & "Test.Zip" Const cstrFilesToZip As String = cstrSamplePath & "sample.txt;" & cstrSamplePath & "Test.txt" Const cstrFilesToAdd As String = cstrSamplePath & "sample.mdb" Const cstrMask As String = "*.txt" Dim astrFiles() As String Dim intFile As Integer Dim intFiles As Integer Dim intAdd As Integer ' Create a zip file with the specified files Debug.Print "Creating zip file..." intFiles = ZipFileCreate(cstrZipFile, cstrFilesToZip, ";") If intFiles > 0 Then Debug.Print "Zip file created: " & cstrZipFile & " with " & intFiles & " files" Else Debug.Print "Zip file could not be created." End If If intFiles > 0 Then ' Add file to the zip file that was created intAdd = ZipFileAdd(cstrZipFile, cstrFilesToAdd) If intAdd > 0 Then Debug.Print "File added to zip file." ' Open the zip file with Windows Explorer Shell "Explorer.exe " & cstrZipFile Else Debug.Print "File could not be added to zip file." End If End If ' Get the list of files in the zip file intFiles = ZippedFilesToArray(cstrZipFile, False, astrFiles) Debug.Print intFiles & " files in the zip file " & cstrZipFile & ":" For intFile = 0 To UBound(astrFiles()) Debug.Print intFile + 1, astrFiles(intFile) Next intFile ' Show the list of files in the zip file Debug.Print "Delimited list of zipped files: " & ZippedFilesToString(cstrZipFile, False, ",") ' Unzip (extract) one file from the compressed file Debug.Print "Unzipping a single file from the zip file and overwriting it if already exists..." If UnzipOneFile(cstrZipFile, "Test.txt", True, cstrUnzipFolder) Then Debug.Print "One file from zip file unzipped to: " & cstrUnzipFolder Else Debug.Print "File could not be extracted from the zip file." End If ' Unzip (extract) files matching a mask from a compressed file Debug.Print "Unzipping files that match a mask from the zip file and overwriting existing files..." intFiles = UnzipFileMask(cstrZipFile, cstrMask, True, cstrUnzipFolder) Debug.Print intFiles & " files matching mask were extracted from the zip file to: " & cstrUnzipFolder ' Unzip/extract all the files from a compress file Debug.Print "Unzipping all files from the zip file and overwrite existing files..." If UnzipAllFilesOverwrite(cstrZipFile, cstrUnzipFolder) Then Debug.Print "All files were extracted from the zip file to: " & cstrUnzipFolder Else Debug.Print "Files could not be extracted from the zip file." End If If MsgBox("Do you want to see the user prompts to overwrite existing files?", vbQuestion) = vbYes Then Call UnzipAllFiles(cstrZipFile, cstrUnzipFolder) End If ' Open Windows Explorer to the folder where the files are extracted Shell "Explorer.exe " & cstrUnzipFolder End Sub
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