Frequently Asked Questions for Total .NET XRef
Your purchase of Total .NET XRef includes a version of the product for
Visual Studio .NET 2003 (1.1) and 2002 (1.0).
At this time, no version of Total .NET XRef for Visual Studio 2005 is
planned. Visual Studio 2005 has incorporated functionality similar to Total
.NET XRef into the core feature set of this development environment. Please
refer to the documentation accompanying Visual Studio 2005 for additional
Please check our .NET Products page for more information.
Download the Trial Version to try Total .NET XRef before you buy it.
Also, remember that FMS products come with a 30-day money back guarantee, so you can
buy with confidence!
The latest update that we have made available was designed specifically
to resolve this issue that you have encountered. Please check whether you
have the latest update by visiting the
updates page.
If you have already applied the latest update for this product and are
still encountering this error, please contact our
Support Department. We are very interested in obtaining either a copy of
your solution, or a copy of your Sage log file (sage.log) from your
installation directory.