Total Access Analyzer Avoid Name Conflicts in Microsoft Access Tables and Queries

Provided by Total Access Analyzer

Microsoft Access does not restrict you from choosing object names that conflict with Jet, SQL Server, and ODBC reserved words. This can cause confusion in your code, and can cause potential problems if you upsize your database in the future.

Avoid using names for tables, table fields, queries, and query columns that conflict with reserved words by reviewing the following Reserved Words lists.

Avoid names that conflict with Jet reserved words

Although it is a minor issue, having object names that conflict with Jet reserved words may cause confusion when you reference the table, field, query, or column name.

Avoid names that conflict with SQL Server reserved words

Table, field, query, and column names that conflict with SQL Server reserved words may cause problems if you upsize your database to SQL Server.

Avoid names that conflict with future SQL Server reserved words

Table, field, query, and column names that conflict with announced future SQL Server reserved words may cause problems if you upsize your database to a future version of SQL Server.

Avoid names that conflict with ODBC reserved words

Names that conflict with ODBC reserved words may cause issues when allowing ODBC connections.

Avoid using names that use non-standard characters

To avoid problems with upsizing this table to SQL Server in the future, don’t use characters that are not allowed in SQL Server (including (', *, and ").

FMS's Total Access Analyzer performs detailed analysis of your Access database objects and detects these tips, as well as hundreds of others. Find out more!

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Thank you! Thank you! I just finished reading this document, which was part of a link in the recent Buzz newsletter. I have printed it for others to read, especially those skeptical on the powers of Access and its capabilities.

Darren D.

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