This example shows how to respond to a column click event. The ColumnClick event fires when a column header is clicked, and is generally used for initiating sorts.
To use this code, create a new Windows Form object and add a Listview control. Add the following code to the form’s class. Then hook up the ColumnClick event to the appropriate code (VB.NET or C#).
' VB
Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ColumnClickEventArgs) _
Handles ListView1.ColumnClick
' Create a new instance of our Sorter class. Pass the number
' of the column that was clicked.
Dim Sorter As ListViewSorter = _
New ListViewSorter(e.Column, ListViewSorter.EnumSortOrder.Ascending)
' Tell the ListView to use the Sorter class
ListView1.ListViewItemSorter = Sorter
End Sub
Public Class ListViewSorter
' We need to Implement IComparer so our
' ListView can use this class
Implements System.Collections.IComparer
Public Enum EnumSortOrder As Integer
Ascending = 0
Descending = 1
End Enum
Public SortOrder As EnumSortOrder
Public SortColumn As Integer
' Default constructor
' SortColumn - ListView column to sort on
Public Sub New( _
ByVal SortColumn As Integer, _
ByVal SortOrder As EnumSortOrder)
Me.SortColumn = SortColumn
Me.SortOrder = SortOrder
End Sub
' Compare objects based in the IComparer Interface
Public Function Compare( _
ByVal x As Object, _
ByVal y As Object) _
As Integer _
Implements System.Collections.IComparer.Compare
Dim xString As String
Dim YString As String
' Convert the two passed values to listview items
Dim l1 As ListViewItem
Dim l2 As ListViewItem
l1 = CType(x, ListViewItem)
l2 = CType(y, ListViewItem)
' Get the appropriate text values depending on whether we are being asked
' to sort on the first column (0) or subitem columns (>0)
If SortColumn = 0 Then
' SortColumn is 0, we need to compare the
' Text property of the Item itselfxString = l1.Text
YString = l2.Text
' SortColumn is not 0, so we need to compare the Text
' property of the SubItemxString = l1.SubItems(SortColumn).ToString
YString = l2.SubItems(SortColumn).ToString
End If
' Do the comparison
If xString = YString Then
' Values are equal
Return 0
ElseIf xString > YString Then
' X is greater than Y
If SortOrder = EnumSortOrder.Ascending Then
Return 1
Return -1
End If
ElseIf xString < YString Then
' Y is greater than X
If SortOrder = EnumSortOrder.Ascending Then
Return -1
Return 1
End If
End If
End Function
End Class
// C#
private void HandleColumnClick (
object sender,
ColumnClickEventArgs e)
// Create a new instance of our Sorter class. Pass the number
// of the column that was clicked.
ListViewComparer sorter = new ListViewComparer (e.Column, ViewComparer.EnumSortOrder.Descending);
// Tell the ListView to use the Sorter class
ListView1.ListViewItemSorter = sorter;
public class ListViewComparer : IComparer
// We need to Implement IComparer so our ListView can use this class
// Define sort orders
public enum EnumSortOrder: int { Ascending = 0, Descending = 1 }
public ListViewComparer (int WhichSortColumn, EnumSortOrder WhichOrder)
this.SortColumn = WhichSortColumn;
this.SortOrder = WhichOrder;
public EnumSortOrder SortOrder ;
public int SortColumn;
// Compare objects based in the IComparer Interface
public int Compare( object item1, object item2 )
string xString;
string yString;
// Convert the two passed values to listview items
ListViewItem l1 = (ListViewItem) item1;
ListViewItem l2 = (ListViewItem) item2;
// Get the appropriate text values depending on whether we are being asked
// to sort on the first column (0) or subitem columns (>0)
if (SortColumn ==0)
// SortColumn is 0, we need to compare the Text
// property of the Item itselfxString = l1.Text;
yString = l2.Text;
// SortColumn is not 0, so we need to compare the
// Text property of the SubItemxString = l1.SubItems[SortColumn].Text.ToString();
yString = l2.SubItems[SortColumn].Text.ToString();
// Do the comparison
if (string.Compare (xString, yString) == 0)
// Values are equal
return 0;
else if (string.Compare(xString, yString) > 0)
// X is greater than Y
if (SortOrder == EnumSortOrder.Ascending)
return 1;
return -1;
else if (string.Compare(xString, yString) < 0)
// Y is greater than X
if (SortOrder == EnumSortOrder.Ascending)
return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
Thank you! Thank you! I just finished reading this document, which was part of a link in the recent Buzz newsletter. I have printed it for others to read, especially those skeptical on the powers of Access and its capabilities.
Darren D.
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