Here's some code to find the size of logical drives using Visual Studio .NET.
string[] tempString = Directory.GetLogicalDrives();
foreach(string tempDrive in tempString)
cmbDrives.Selectstring[] tempString = Directory.GetLogicalDrives();
foreach(string tempDrive in tempString)
public sealed class DriveInfo
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint="GetDiskFreeSpaceExA")]
private static extern long GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(string lpDirectoryName,
out long lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller,
out long lpTotalNumberOfBytes,
out long lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);
public static long GetInfo(string drive, out long available, out long total, out long free)
return GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(drive,out available,out total,out free);
public static DriveInfoSystem GetInfo(string drive)
long result, available, total, free;
result = GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(drive, out available, out total, out free);
return new DriveInfoSystem(drive,result,available,total,free);
public struct DriveInfoSystem
public readonly string Drive;
public readonly long Result;
public readonly long Available;
public readonly long Total;
public readonly long Free;
public DriveInfoSystem(string drive, long result, long available, long total, long free)
this.Drive = drive;
this.Result = result;
this.Available = available;
this.Total = total;
this.Free = free;
Call:DriveInfoSystem info = DriveInfo.GetInfo("c:")
public sealed class DriveInfo
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint="GetDiskFreeSpaceExA")]
private static extern long GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(string lpDirectoryName,
out long lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller,
out long lpTotalNumberOfBytes,
out long lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);
public static long GetInfo(string drive, out long available, out long total, out long free)
return GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(drive,out available,out total,out free);
public static DriveInfoSystem GetInfo(string drive)
long result, available, total, free;
result = GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(drive, out available, out total, out free);
return new DriveInfoSystem(drive,result,available,total,free);
public struct DriveInfoSystem
public readonly string Drive;
public readonly long Result;
public readonly long Available;
public readonly long Total;
public readonly long Free;
public DriveInfoSystem(string drive, long result, long available, long total, long free)
this.Drive = drive;
this.Result = result;
this.Available = available;
this.Total = total;
this.Free = free;
Call:DriveInfoSystem info = DriveInfo.GetInfo("c:")
Thank you! Thank you! I just finished reading this document, which was part of a link in the recent Buzz newsletter. I have printed it for others to read, especially those skeptical on the powers of Access and its capabilities.
Darren D.
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