May 2018For Microsoft Access, SQL Server,
We're rushing our May issue to you because of the Microsoft Security Patch last week that is creating mayhem with Remote Desktop connections. We were among the first to provide information on this problem and a work-around. Tens of thousands of people from around the world have used our findings to address their environment. Read our Remote Desktop Authentication Error blog post for details on this rapidly changing situation.
Last month, I had a wonderful time speaking and attending the annual Portland Access User Group Conference in Silver Falls, Oregon. I enjoyed speaking with fellow Access Enthusiasts and the beautiful hike through, by and behind the beautiful waterfalls! Next year's Access conferences for both Portland and Austria are announced so save the days!
We've added more technical content to our site with a new paper on Converting Microsoft Azure SQL Server Databases to SQL Elastic Pools, and updates to our very popular Append Query and Delete Query papers.
We've only included a subset of recent news here. For additional information, visit our News Announcements page and receive our latest notifications from our
Facebook page,
All the best,
Luke Chung
Remote Desktops connections are failing due to a security patch Microsoft released on May 8, 2018. Users see this error when they try to connect to a PC, Virtual Machine, Azure VM, and other hosts:
This is the text in the error dialog with a link to a Microsoft site that's quite confusing:
An authentication error has occurred. The function requested is not supported Remote computer: [computer name] This could be due to CredSSP encryption oracle remediation. For more information, see https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=866660
It's also impacting VPN connections. We wrote a blog post on the issue, symptoms, causes, and workaround by adjusting the host machine's Remote Desktop security settings.
This is a brand new situation so please share your experience with us on the related blog post.
Remote Desktop Authentication Error Has Occurred
Microsoft Azure lets you easily create and deploy enterprise quality SQL Server on the cloud at a very cost effective price. As you add more databases, larger databases and require more power, it is more economical to share SQL Server resources across all your databases. Microsoft Azure offers SQL Server with Elastic Pools to do so, but doesn't give much information on how to convert existing databases to an Elastic Pool.
Read our new paper with step-by-step instructions on how to convert existing databases to an Elastic Pool without changing connection strings.
Converting Microsoft Azure SQL Server Databases to SQL Elastic Pools to Share Server Resources
Bill Gates participated in a Q&A with students from Harvard University. The students asked questions on global health and development, technology, clean energy innovation, Alzheimer’s research, philanthropy, and education – as well as current events, his favorite books, and why he loves coming back to Harvard four decades after he dropped out.
Watch the video: A Conversation with Bill Gates at Harvard University
The Portland Access User Group held their annual event at the conference center in the beautiful Silver Falls State Park a few hours south of Portland, Oregon. The weekend event brought together some of the top Microsoft Access developers, enthusiasts, and Access development team members.
Photos from the 2018 event are available in our Facebook Album.
Visit our Upcoming Events page for other activities.
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Thank you! Thank you! I just finished reading this document, which was part of a link in the recent Buzz newsletter. I have printed it for others to read, especially those skeptical on the powers of Access and its capabilities.
Darren D.